"Hello! My name is Daniel, I'm 12 years old, in Gr 5, and last week I made my teacher cry. "
The little boy in the picture above is in my Register class, which means that I'm acting as his (and his classmates') guardian at school. We meet every day during the first 15 minutes of the school day, and I teach them Computer Literacy once a week as well.
Last week Friday we had the track events part of our school's House Sports meeting. I was assigned to class duty to finish off some admin work that the principal wanted before the weekend.
The heap of letters that had to be signed and double checked for errors (175 of them!) kept me busy for most of the morning. Somewhere around 10am the door to my class flew open.
Daniel stood in the doorway.
"Hello Ma'am!"
"Yes Daniel, can I help you?"
"No. Just came to see if you're OK." He walked to my table and smiled.
" 'No Ma'am' Daniel, it's good manners, not just No. Remember?"
"Yes. I won't forget!"
"Yes MA'AM!" I had to laugh, he was so sincere but he still needed lots of practice.
He laughed too and looked a bit shy. Just stood there with his hands on my table.
"Daniel, would you mind doing me a favor please?"
"Huh? I mean yes!"
I was scratching in my handbag to find my purse for some money to buy fruit juice. The tuck shop was open all day for the athletics and the juice they sold was cold as ice: totally refreshing even in the middle of winter!
As I got my purse out, I explained what flavor I'd like, but before I had my money in my hand, Daniel started running out the door. I called him back but he just waved a hand at me going down the stairs at full speed.
Oh well, I thought. He'd be back in a minute or so realizing he had forgotten the money, and I went back to signing the letters.
Five minutes later I heard him running up the stairs again.
He planted a fruit juice and pie in front of me, stood back and smiled one of the most beautiful smiles I've seen in a very long time.
"Daniel!? What is this? Here's the money."
"No Ma'am! I don't want the money. It's on me today."
He looked so proud as he stood there grinning. There was no way I could refuse this gift from the bottom of his heart. I opened my arms, he walked around the table and we hugged.
"Love you ma'am," he whispered.
And that's when I cried.